Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Program

In January 2015, the Ohio Department of Health adopted new rules regarding private Sewage Treatment Systems (STSs) in Ohio (Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 3701-29-09(I)). These new rules mandate that all health districts in the state develop and implement a local Operation & Maintenance program to ensure all systems in their jurisdiction are monitored for regular maintenance and proper function. Regular maintenance of your system will extend its life, safeguard your investment, protect your health, preserve surface and ground waters, and prevent sewage nuisance conditions on your property.

The Operation & Maintenance Program requires that every owner of a property with a Home Sewage Treatment System (HSTS) obtain, and continually renew, an Operation Permit and regularly submit proof that their system is receiving the minimum required maintenance as directed by that permit. Compliance with permit conditions will be tracked on an ongoing basis, allowing Lake County General Health District (LCGHD) to identify and address neglected and/or failing systems.

Please click the following link to review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding LCGHD’s O&M Program, or see the tabs below for permit information and educational material.

Enrollment Schedule:

Lake County’s Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Program began in 2007 and has since been rolled out in phases to distribute the associated workload evenly and maintain efficiency. 

As shown in the above diagram, LCGHD has completed the fifth, and final phase of enrollment. Lake County is estimated to have around 15,000 private Home Sewage Treatment Systems in total, all of which have been entered into the program. Homeowners will be notified by regular mail when they are required to renew their Operation Permit.

Lake County Registered Sewage System Contractors

Service Provider List
Pumper/ Hauler List

For questions, please contact:
Dylan Kager, REHS

Registered Environmental Health Specialist
Phone: (440) 350-2842
Cell: (440) 382-9140
Email: dkager@lcghd.org

Grant Hochstetler, MPH, REHS

Registered Environmental Health Specialist
Phone: (440) 350-2464
Cell: (440) 382-7156
Email: ghochstetler@lcghd.org

Permit Information

Educational Materials