Lake County General Health District (LCGHD) conducts ongoing surveillance to assist with the prevention and control of disease and other health concerns of Lake County residents. Our goal is to support the community through:

  • Collecting, investigating, and analyzing various communicable diseases
  • Providing supportive resources and care
  • Distributing information on the incidence and prevalence of general infectious diseases within Lake County
  • Developing methods to respond in the event of a communicable disease threat

Information about our current programs is provided in the tabs below.

Please visit our Clinics page for information about Immunization, Tuberculosis (TB) testing, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) testing clinics.


Communicable Diseases

Communicable Disease

The LCGHD Communicable Disease Department is guided by the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC).  The most used tool is the Ohio Department of Health’s (ODH) Infectious Disease Control Manual (IDCM).  Communicable Disease Rules 3701-3-01 through 3703-3-31 as well as additional rules which pertain to infectious disease reporting and disease control are what guides our work.

Ohio has a list of diseases that are reportable (Know your ABCs: A Quick Guide to Reportable Infectious Diseases in Ohio).  The list is divided into three classes: Class A, Class B, and Class C.  Reporting diseases is an important part of public health, to allow for disease control and prevention for the health of our county, to identify outbreaks, and to control further suffering.

Each reportable disease is described in the ICDM including reporting requirements, the causative agents, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or Ohio Department of Health (ODH) surveillance definition, signs and symptoms, diagnostic criteria, epidemiology, and public health case management.

Ohio’s communicable disease reporting requirements mandate that healthcare providers with the knowledge of a case or a suspected case of a disease report that disease to the local health department.  This information is confidential. The information that is conveyed includes the name, diagnosis, date of birth, street address, city, telephone number, and information about the health care provider.  Laboratories must also report the same information along with the lab report details.

There are many practical steps you can take to prevent communicable disease, including:

  • Proper hand washing
  • Safe handling and preparation of food
  • Cough and sneeze into your sleeve
  • Clean and disinfect commonly used surfaces
  • Refrain from sharing personal items
  • Get vaccinated
  • Avoid touching wild animals
  • Stay home when sick

How to Report a Communicable Disease

  1. Review the Ohio Infectious Disease Control Manual for specific reporting information and educational material about the suspected disease.
  2. Complete the Ohio Reportable Disease Form.  If reporting Varicella (Chickenpox), please use the Varicella Report Form.
  3. Fax your report to the Health Department Confidential Fax Line: (440) 359-6219.
  4. Contact the Health Department Communicable Disease Investigator: (440) 350-2467 or (440) 350-2482.  For after-hours reporting, call (440) 478-7321.

Once a reportable communicable disease diagnosis is verified, a public health disease investigator begins their work to:

  • Confirm the diagnosis and original source of the disease
  • Locate the affected person(s)
  • Determine potential common modes of transmission among affected persons
  • Provide disease information to the affected persons and public.  This includes the signs and symptoms of the disease, how a diagnosis is confirmed, how the disease is spread, and measures for disease prevention
  • In some cases, the communicable disease investigators and environmental health staff work together for a coordinated and timely response

For more information, please contact our staff at (440) 350-2467 or (440) 350-2482.