This page contains health data used to inform the Lake County General Health District (LCGHD).  This includes disease surveillance and other program-specific data reports released by LCGHD.  In addition, it includes links to publicly available data sources where additional health data about Lake County can be found.

Health Topics

Influenza Surveillance 

Current Influenza activity (Ohio) = Very High 

The 2024-2025 flu season began on 9/29/2024 

As of 3/14/2025 Influenza associated hospitalizations in Lake County = 319

Further details can be found on the ODH Seasonal Influenza Dashboard  


Cases per 100,000 for Lake County (2/27/25 – 3/12/25) = 33.9

Further details can be found on the ODH COVID-19 dashboard 

Drug Overdose Data 

2023 Ohio Drug Overdose Report 
Emergency Department Visits for Suspected Drug Overdose Among Ohio Residents Ages 11 Years and Older
State of Ohio Integrated Behavioral Health Dashboard 

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Data 

HIV/STI Dashboard  

Infectious Disease Data 

Summary of Infectious Diseases in Ohio 

Older archived data reports and dashboards can be found here.

Health Data Sources

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