Community Impact Shared with Lake County Residents

The Lake County General Health District (LCGHD) announced their first Bi-Annual Community Impact Report, which...

Bird Flu in Ohio: What You Need to Know

The Bird Flu is a virus which is caused by an infection with avian influenza...

Over 6,000 Ounces of Breastmilk Donated at Local WIC Mothers’ Milk Bank Depot Site

Lake-Geauga WIC’s Milk Bank Depot reached their one-year anniversary after collecting over 6,000 ounces of...
A notebook on a yellow background with Take Our Survey written on the front page.

We Want to Hear From You

The Lake County General Health District (LCGHD), with University Hospitals, is currently conducting the 2025...
A close up of a hand on a steering wheel in a car. Snow covered trees are visible through the windshield.

29th Annual Protect & Serve Drive Sober Event

This holiday season, the Lake County Crime Prevention Taskforce, the Lake County Association of Chiefs...
Balled up fist crushing a cigarette onto a wooden tabletop.

Out of the Fog: Quitting Smoking Benefits Your Mental Health

Smoking any type of tobacco can negatively impact a person’s physical health, but there are...
A man with short brown hair in a blue shirt repairing a carbon monoxide detector.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning awareness 

As we move into colder weather, Lake County General Health District (LCGHD) is reminding everyone...
A drive with long curly hair in a parked car, in the passenger seat, looking back and smiling. The driver has her seatbelt on and a plaid shirt.

LCGHD Receives $38,500 in Traffic Safety Grants

Lake County General Health District (LCGHD) recently announced that it has been awarded $38,500 in...
Two hands cupping a red heart with a paper cutout of a family in front of the heart.

LCGHD Receives Creating Healthy Communities Grant

Lake County General Health District (LCGHD) has received an award in the amount of $95,000...