Safe Communities was introduced to Ohio in December 1996 as a conceptual strategy for comprehensive traffic injury control at the local level. The goal of the Safe Communities Coalition is to reduce the number of traffic-related motor vehicle deaths in Lake county by increasing seat belt usage, increasing motorcycle safety awareness, and reducing distracted and impaired driving. The Coalition conducts campaigns and events locally to create awareness and promote traffic safety. The Coalition also participates in national campaigns including “Click It or Ticket” and “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.” The Fatal Traffic Review Board is responsible for reviewing all fatal crashes occurring in Lake county to identify trends and recommend countermeasures to reduce preventable crashes.

About Us

Teen and New Drivers

Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of every other month at 9am. They are open to the public to discuss upcoming events, campaigns, and review traffic safety concerns or car crash fatalities. Email for the exact meeting location or to become a Safe Communities Coalition member.

For more information, please contact:

Katelyn Van Norstran, MPH
Program Coordinator
Phone: (440) 350-2451